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Fireplace Maintenance

The chill is certainly returning in the wee hours of the morning. Many are now looking woefully at their unused fireplaces and considering the basics to get ready for the roaring fire. But what else do you need to consider besides the annual chimney sweep? The Firewood Company has you covered.

There’s no doubt that winter is undoubtedly on its way. As those blissful warm evenings are replaced with the well-known bite of frost in the air, it’s time to consider the health of our wood fireplaces. A well-maintained and cared-for fireplace will not only give you the perfect burn during the winter, but it will also ensure that your fireplace stands the test of time and, more importantly, is 100% safe while emitting much less smoke. A bonus for your home, your hip pocket, and the environment.

How Do I Clean the Interior of My Fireplace?

This is a relatively easy task and one that needs to be undertaken frequently, even during the burning season.

  1. Get Prepared – lay down an old sheet or newspaper to protect your flooring. Have a sweeping pan and brush handy, a bucket (steel is best), and gloves. Your fireplace should be cold, and the ash not hot when you attempt to clean out your fireplace.

  2. Remove Ash – remove the ash from your fireplace but ensure you take care. Don’t dump the ash into the steel bucket, as the dust will encroach easily into your lounge room. It is essential to take these ashes outside immediately. Storing them and adding to them can cause carbon monoxide to build up inside your home. Pop these in a safe area away from bushes etc if they are still warm. If your ash is cold, it can be easily used in the garden or chook houses – they adore dusting in fireplace ash.

  3. Check For Damage – with all the ash gone from your fireplace now is the perfect time to check your fire tiles for any damage from the previous season. Cracked, damaged, or missing tiles will need to be replaced. Also, check the seal on your door and the condition of the glass.

  4. Clean The Glass – the great news is this doesn’t cost a thing! A dampened newspaper can work wonders, as well as using wet charcoal from your fireplace. Wipe gently to remove any black spots and wipe dry with a paper towel.

  5. Book A Chimney Sweep – once the fireplace is looking nice and clean, now is the best time to call in for a professional chimney sweep. Having your chimney professionally swept yearly is highly advised to prevent build-up and possible chimney fires. Your chosen professional can also advise on any damage you may have noticed and how to fix this. The trick to chimney sweeps is like your firewood purchase – get in early to beat the rush. This way, you will not need to cool your fireplace before it is swept and will be prepared when that weather quickly turns.

#TopTip: Allow your fireplace to roar at least for an hour each day to help self-clean your chimney. This will prevent build-up and ensure your chimney flue is kept free of build-up during the wintertime.

How Often Do I Clean My Fireplace During Winter?

It would be best if you had an excellent regime when it comes to your winter burning needs. This also includes ensuring you clean your fireplace at least once per month. This could be more, depending on the types of wood you burn and how often you light your fireplace. If your fireplace is your only source of heat, a fortnightly clean is advisable to keep the ash to a minimum and ensure it burns to its full potential.

Again, remove all ash and place this in a safe zone until completely cold. Embers can quickly reignite with the smallest amount of wind. Once cold this can be added to your gardens.

How Do I Keep My Fireplace Burning Well?

It is vital only to burn dry seasoned wood. Burning wet wood will not only increase the smoke your fireplace emits but will also not create long and lasting heat. Wood full of moisture will also clog up your chimney.

Only burn wood that is designed to be burnt in a wood burner. Any wood containing stains, varnish, or treatments can be toxic and damage your firebox. It’s also highly advisable not to burn anything in your fireplace that is unsuitable, such as plastics, pizza boxes, etc. This will only add to the stress of your chimney and may cost you thousands to fix later down the track.

With the correct maintenance and attention, your fireplace will happily burn and emit tiny amounts of smoke while keeping you and your loved ones toasty – cue the cat and dog sleeping on the rug.

Got Your Wood Yet? You Know Who To Call!

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