Sadly, each year pets suffer painful burns from fireplaces. The Firewood Company discovers ways to keep your pet safe around your fireplace to prevent agonising injuries and costly treatments.
When it comes to our pets, most of us only consider the dangers of fireplaces after a painful incident. New puppies and kittens are most at risk of injury, as most are not used to a fireplace situation. However, if you are moving into a home or rental with a fireplace and your existing pet is unaware of the dangers a fireplace can possess, it's time to spring into action before you light the fire and snuggle in for a warm winter.
Why Do Pet's Love Fireplaces?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why our pets adore the roaring fireplace - the same - if not more than their two-legged humans. Warmth! It's not unusual to hear cats curling up on the children's gaming console or computer box, searching out a heat source, or our canine companions following the sun around the home for a quick sunbake.
So, when you light a roaring fire expelling a tremendous amount of heat, our pets will understandably seek out this heat source. Naturally, many will attempt to get as close as possible to this heat, and if you have more than one pet, they can literally climb over each other to get as close to the fireplace as physically possible.
The danger is – like children – your pet does not know that if they even skim the glass, it will result in an excruciating burn. Therefore, it is up to pet owners to ensure that they not only train their pets to stay away from the fireplace but also put security measures in place so that they do not get too close, particularly if you cannot monitor them when the fire is lit.
If you don't think this could be a problem in your home, it's good to realise the extent of this issue in our pet population. Many pet insurance providers have noted a 300% jump in claims from May to August concerning burns. OUCH!
How Can I Prevent My Pets From Getting Too Close To The Fireplace?
This can be challenging for older pets, as you'll need to train them on the dangers without letting them feel the impact of a burn. For older pets, erecting a barrier or fire screen is a good idea to stop the pet from getting too close. These are generally inexpensive, particularly compared to a hefty vet bill. They can also look attractive, very functional, and easy to use. Fire guards will also not impact the amount of heat from your fireplace. You will also need to monitor your pet, particularly your cat, especially if you have a freestanding fireplace that your cat can sit on – and possibly jump over the barrier.
For dogs, making a line before the barrier can also help. This will also keep your dog safe when you are reloading the fireplace. Having a line they are not allowed to cross is an excellent indicator to your dog where they can and cannot go. Using masking tape to enforce this visual line can benefit your dog and make training easier. Gentle reinforcement and praised based training work wonders. You can also place your dog's bed, close but not too close, near the fireplace and teach them to stay on their bed when the fire is lit.
#TopTip – never allow your cat to perch on the fireplace even during the warmer months. A quick squirt with a water bottle or pistol can deter your cat from using this as a rest area.
With kittens and puppies, training is paramount as too, a decent barrier to protect against any accidents. Other tips also include:
Do not play with your cat or dog near the fireplace.
Keep the hearth clear at all times.
Erect a fire guard or screen
Train your pet to stay away and give them a clear line of where they are allowed.
Always supervise your pets around the fire.
Restrict your pet's access to the fireplace.
Other Problems
Cats and dogs can also quickly overheat under the intense heat of a log burner. This can lead to dehydration and heat stroke. Keeping your pet at a safe distance can prevent many issues that can be costly and a terrifying experience for pet lovers. With some simple steps and fireplace rules, you can ensure your pet stays cosy and warm all winter - safely.