The Firewood Company looks at the top questions being asked about firewood. From drying purposes to how to correctly stack your firewood, we’ve got you covered.
When it comes to the correct way to stack and dry your firewood the internet is abuzz with questions. The Firewood Company is not only passionate about keeping you warm and dry but also educating fire burning enthusiasts on all those important questions.
Let’s take a look at the top 10 questions...
1. Will My Firewood Dry in the Garage?
In essence yes, your wood will dry in the garage, however, you’ll need to consider some important aspects of this. Firwood is best seasoned and dried with good airflow and sunlight. Understandably many garages will not have these two important aspects so your wood will take longer to season and dry. You can speed the process along by ensuring you are opening the garage daily to allow airflow and warmth. Another option is to allow a portion to dry outside and bring this into the garage later for stacking and storage purposes. Dry wood can be easily stored in garages, just be sure to double-check no pests are living in the wood or you may invite more than just warmth into your home.
2. Will Firewood Burn When It’s Wet?
Yes, wet wood will eventually burn, however, it will cause endless headaches for you and your family. It will not produce good heat and will also cause a huge amount of smoke and general unpleasantness. It’s always best to season and dry your wood correctly before burning to produce good efficient heat for your home. Wet wood will smolder, smoke, and create an unpleasant atmosphere. Plus; it can wreak havoc on your chimney. Wood naturally has a high moisture content, this is the reason why you should only purchase your firewood from a reputable source and ensure the moisture content is low before burning.
3. Will Firewood Dry in the Winter?
Sunlight and a nice warm breeze are the perfect scenarios for drying and seasoning wood. In saying this – winter normally brings cold, damp days with limited sunlight. Wood can still dry during winter however it will take much longer. Getting prepared early for your wood supply and allowing your wood to enjoy some sunlight and warmth is the best way to go when preparing for winter. If you are cutting your firewood, having this done at the end of winter and allowing it a good year to dry will provide you with good quality seasoned wood for the following year.
4. Will Firewood Dry Under a Tarp?
Airflow is paramount for drying wood. If you cover your wet wood with a tarp, it will not dry. Utilizing a tarp over seasoned, dried wood is preferable particularly if rain is predicted, however, this will need to be removed when the weather improves, and the sides constantly kept open to prevent rotting. Wood should be dried with good airflow and sunlight during the warmer months and then stacked in a suitable position ready for burning.
5. What Firewood Burns the Best?
All firewoods have their purpose! Choosing a good mix of soft and hardwoods will ensure you get the best out of your fireplace. Consider softwoods like pine to get your fire quickly roaring, and hardwoods like gum to keep your fire burning hot and long. This will not only save you money and time, but it will also keep your home at the perfect temperature during the cooler months.
6. Which Firewood Burns the Hottest?
Hardwoods typically burn the hottest – think macrocarpa, wattle, and gum. However, it is important to first get your fire roaring before adding your hardwoods. Hardwoods produce wonderful long heat and create a good coal base once burnt.
7. Which Firewood Smokes the Least?
Dry, well-seasoned firewood creates the least amount of smoke. Wet and green woods will create ample smoke and create a terrible burning environment. Hardwoods, when burnt correctly, will produce little smoke for your fireplace. However, it is important to correctly prepare your fire before adding hardwoods.
8. What Firewood Smells the Best?
Depending on where you live in the world, and your supplier different woods will give off different fragrances. In NZ, pine smells wonderful and adds to the winter feel of your home, while birch can also be a delightful smelling wood for those outdoor fireplaces. Applewood, cherry wood, and Cedar are also known for their heavenly smells when burning.
9. Where Does Firewood Come From?
Most firewood suppliers (including The Firewood Company) sustainably source their firewood from commercial logging practices. Finding a sustainable firewood company is important when considering your supplier.
10. How Long Does It Take to Season Firewood?
Depending on the type of wood this can vary from six months to years. Some firewood suppliers offer kiln-dried options that can be dried and seasoned much quicker.